Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of recipe from Indonesa named Potato Croquettes Recipe or Resep Kroket Kentang. Yup you are rite , it is made from potato, the potato is crushed and seasoned , so it will taste awesome. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.
- 500 gr. potatoes, boiled and mashed
- 25 gr. powdered milk
- salt to taste
- ground pepper to taste
- 2 eggs
- fine breadcrumbs
- vegetable oil for deep frying
Stuffing Ingredients:
- 2 Tbs. margarine
- 2 small shallots, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 200 gr. ground beef
- 5 carrots, peeled and finely cubed
- 125 cc water
- salt to taste
- ground pepper to taste
- 1 Tbs. flour
How to Cook:
- Blend mashed potatoes with powdered milk, salt, pepper and 1 beaten egg until smooth and set aside.
- Take 2 Tbs. of the mashed potatoes mixtur and pit it on a piece of buttered banana leaf or wax paper. Flatten the piece of dough into an oval shaped with buttered finger. Put 1½ tsp. stuffing in the middle of the oval dough. Fold over the piece of dough and path into an oval roll.
- Beat the remaining egg. Dip the croquettes in turn in the breadcrumbs, egg and breadcrumbs again.
- Deep fry the croquettes in hot oil until they are golden brown.
How to Cook Stuffing :
- Saute the shallots and garlic with 2 Tbs. margarine over medium heat. Add the ground beef and the carrots. Stir well for a minute or two.
- Add water, salt and pepper. Simmer while stirring occasionaly, until it's done.
- Finally add the flour that has been dissolved in a littel warer while stirring.
- Remove and let it cool.
Serves 12 croquettes.
Indonesian Translation
- 500 gr. kentang, rebus dan tumbuk
- 25 gr. susu
- Garam secukupnya
- Lada bubuk secukupnya
- 2 butir telur
- Fine breadcrumbs
- Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng mendalam
Bahan isian:
- 2 Tbs. margarin
- 2 bawang merah kecil, cincang
- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang
- 200 gr. daging giling
- 5 wortel, kupas dan potong dadu halus
- 125 cc air
- Garam secukupnya
- Lada bubuk secukupnya
- 1 Tbs. tepung
Petunjuk Memasak:
- Campurkan pure kentang dengan susu bubuk, garam, merica dan 1 telur dikocok sampai halus dan sisihkan.
- Ambil 2 Tbs. dari kentang tumbuk mixtur dan pit itu di atas selembar daun pisang mentega atau kertas lilin. Meratakan adonan menjadi mentega berbentuk oval dengan jari. Taruh 1 ½ tsp. menjejalkan di tengah adonan oval. Lipat adonan potongan dan path ke oval roll.
- Kocok telur yang tersisa. Celupkan croquettes pada gilirannya dalam tepung roti, telur dan breadcrumbs lagi.
- Deep croquettes menggoreng dalam minyak panas sampai mereka berwarna kuning keemasan.
Cara membuat isi:
- Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih yang dengan 2 Tbs. margarin di atas api sedang. Tambahkan daging giling dan wortel. Aduk rata untuk satu atau dua menit.
- Tambahkan air, garam dan merica. Didihkan sambil mengaduk-aduk occasionaly, sampai selesai.
- Terakhir tambahkan tepung yang telah dilarutkan dalam sedikit warer sambil mengaduk-aduk.
- Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
Untuk 12 kroket
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