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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Green Bean Puding Recipe (Resep Puding Kacang Hijau)

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of global recipe named Green Bean Puding Recipe or Resep Puding Kacang Hijau . This cuisine main ingredients is green bean , those i believe that this cuisine is a very healty food and it taste very delicious as a dessert. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Available Both in English and Indonesian


-25 Grams of green beans, boiled with 250 ml of water until tender, drain, measure the weight of 50 grams
-100 Gr white sugar
-1 sheet gelatin white
-1 Tablespoon cornstarch
-300 Ml coconut milk
-1 pandanus leaves torn

Vla Cream:

-300 Ml coconut milk
-75 Gr sugar
-1 pandanus leaves torn
-1 / 4 tsp salt
-2 Tablespoons cornstarch, thawed

How to Make:

Mix sugar, gelatin, pandan leaves and coconut milk, cook until boiling, put cornstarch, simmer until thickened, remove. Enter the green beans, stir well, pour in mold. Chill.
Vla: mix coconut milk, sugar, pandan leaf, and salt and cook, stirring frequently, until boiling, put cornstarch liquid, simmer for a while, lift.
Serve pudding with VLA green beans.

For 16 pieces

Indonesian Transation

Bahan - bahan :

-25 gr kacang hijau, rebus dengan 250 ml air hingga lunak, tiriskan, ukur beratnya 50 gram
-100 gr gula pasir
-1 bks agar-agar warna putih
-1 sdm tepung maizena
-300 ml santan
-1 lbr daun pandan, sobek-sobek

Saus Vla:

-300 ml santan
-75 gr gula pasir
-1 lbr daun pandan, sobek-sobek
-1/4 sdt garam
-2 sdm maizena, cairkan

Cara Membuat :

Campur gula pasir, agar-agar, daun pandan dan santan, masak hingga mendidih, masukkan tepung maizena, didihkan hingga mengental, angkat. Masukkan kacang hijau, aduk rata, tuang dalam cetakan. Dinginkan.
Vla: campur santan, gula pasir, daun pandan, dan garam, masak sambil diaduk hingga mendidih, masukkan tepung maizena cair, didihkan sebentar, angkat.
Sajikan puding kacang hijau dengan vla.

Untuk 16 potong

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