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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dates Pie Recipe (Resep Pie Kurma)

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of the recipe from Indonesia which is influenced by Arab. The cuisine named Dates Pie Recipe or Resep Pie Kurma . This cuisine main ingredients is dates / kurma , many Muslim people make this pie during the fasting month , because its give you a lot of energy after you finished fasting. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Available Both in English and Indonesian
 (Source :

Skin Ingredients:

-500 G protein flour was / cap triangle
-300 G margarine
-100 G powdered sugar
-Yolk eggs -4
-1 Tbsp milk powder
-2 Tablespoons ice water
-1 / 2 tsp fine salt

Main Ingredients :

-2 Tablespoons cornstarch
-450 Ml of fresh liquid milk
Sugar -100 g
-200 G dates, puree
-1 Teaspoon ground white gelatinous
-1 / 4 tsp fine salt

How to Cook:

1. Skin: Mix the flour, milk powder, margarine, powdered sugar, egg yolks, ice water and salt. Leather Stir with a fork or use two knives to form fine droplets. Miller thick dough 1 / 2 cm.
2. Prepare the pie mold beroles margarine. Spoon the batter skin was measured according to a large print. Tap-tap attached to the skin to the perfect pie. Trim shape and basic stick stick a fork.
3. Pie shell in oven temperature 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or hngga mature skin and yellow-brown color. Lift, chill. Remove pie shell from cetakkan.
4. Contents: Dissolve cornstarch, sugar, dates, jelly powder and salt into a fresh liquid milk, mix well. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, continue to mature and thicken. Lift, set aside.
5. Solution: Take Kult pie, put one tablespoon of dough contents. Give a few pieces of dates on it. Serve.
For 8-10 Fruit

Basic piercing the skin with a fork the dough so that the skin does not aim at bulging in the oven. The contents can be modified according to taste. For example dates replaced pumpkin, chocolate or durian blocks with the same amount of size.

Indonesian Translation

Bahan Kulit:

-500 g tepung terigu protein sedang/cap segi tiga
-300 g margarin
-100 g gula halus
-4 butir kuning telur
-1 sdm susu bubuk
-2 sdm air es
-1/2 sdt garam halus

Bahan Isi:

-2 sdm tepung maizena
-450 ml susu tawar cair
-100 g gula pasir
-200 g kurma, haluskan
-1 sdt bubuk agar-agar putih
-1/4 sdt garam halus

Cara Membuat:

1. Kulit: Campur tepung terigu, susu bubuk, margarin, gula halus, kuning telur, air es dan garam. Aduk bahan kulit dengan garpu atau menggunakan dua buah pisau hingga terbentuk butiran-butiran halus. Giling adonan setebal 1/2 cm.
2. Siapkan cetakan pie beroles margarin. Masukkan adonan kulit yang sudah diukur sesuai besar cetakan. Tekan-tekan kulit pie hingga melekat sempurna. Rapikan bentuknya dan tusuk-tusuk dasarnya menggunakan garpu.
3. Oven kulit pie pada suhu 180 derajat celcius selama 30 menit atau hngga kulit matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, dinginkan. Keluarkan kulit pie dari cetakkan.
4. Isi: Larutkan tepung maizena, gula pasir, kurma, bubuk agar-agar dan garam ke dalam susu tawar cair, aduk rata. Didihkan sambil diaduk terus hingga matang dan mengental. Angkat, sisihkan.
5. Penyelesaian: Ambil kult pie, masukkan satu sendok makan adonan isi. Beri beberapa potong kurma di atasnya. Hidangkan.
Untuk 8-10 Buah

Menusuk dasar adonan kulit dengan garpu bertujuan agar kulit tidak menggembung saat di oven. Isi bisa dimodifikasi sesuai selera. Misalnya kurma diganti labu kuning, cokelat blok atau durian dengan jumlah ukuran yang sama.

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