Basil Seasoned Chicken Recipe (Resep Ayam Bumbu Kemangi )
Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of recipe from Indonesia , named Basil Seasoned Chicken Recipe ( Resep Ayam Bumbu Kemangi ) or Resep Ayam Bumbu Kemangi . Kemangi leaves is used for making a wondeful taste and good smell. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.
Available in English and Bahasa
Ingredients :
-6 Pieces (750 gr) chicken thigh the bottom, slice-slice
-1 / 2 tsp pepper powder
-1 Tsp salt
oil-for menumis
-3 Pieces of orange leaves
-2 Stem Serai, take the white and thin-sliced thin
-100 Gr green tomatoes, slit so the 6
-20 Pieces of basil
Fine Cut / Small ingredients :
-4 Cayenne fruit
-5 Fruit red chili sauce
-2 Cm ginger
-1 / 2 tsp paste fry
-1 Tsp salt
How to Cook :
1. Lumuri chicken thigh with pepper powder and salt until evenly, diamkan for 15 minutes
2. Heat oil and fry chicken over the fire until the big colors. Lift, tiriskan and sisihkan
3. Heat oil, tumis smooth flavor, lime leaves until fragrant and Serai, tomato entries, poke-poke until shriveled tomatoes
4. Enter fried chicken thigh, slosh-slosh to add diffluent basil, confused again.
Lift and serve
Indonesian version
Bahan :
-6 potong (750 gr) paha ayam bagian bawah, kerat-kerat
-1/2 sdt merica bubuk
-1 sdt garam
-minyak untuk menumis
-3 lembar daun jeruk
-2 batang serai, ambil bagian putih dan iris tipis-tipis
-100 gr tomat hijau, belah jadi 6 bagian
-20 lembar daun kemangi
Haluskan :
-4 buah cabai merah
-5 buah cabai rawit merah
-2 cm jahe
-1/2 sdt terasi goreng
-1 sdt garam
Cara Memasak :
1. Lumuri paha ayam dengan merica bubuk dan garam hingga rata, diamkan selama 15 menit
2. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam diatas api besar hingga kekuningan. Angkat, tiriskan dan sisihkan
3. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, daun jeruk dan serai hingga harum, masukan tomat, aduk-aduk hingga tomat layu
4. Masukan paha ayam goreng, aduk-aduk hingga meresap tambahkan daun kemangi, aduk sekali lagi.
Angkat dan sajikan
untuk 6 porsi, kalori perporsi 162