Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of best gravy cuisine recipe from Indonesia , named soto medan recipe or more famous as resep soto medan , this cuisine is very popular in Indonesia. This porridge's main ingredient is chicken , potatoes , etc , the taste is very delicious and tasteful , just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.
![Soto Medan Recipe ( Resep Soto Medan )](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjDSPuZMNmjEsAqWW6GYtFCTqaiHm5FElAVQ9BHHKI2lnSb53eWeDoryYEoZ05AsZDnRz4GtafIYJ_ms6tOthFdLKyCQgdr8YE4KfZowgJqgaFV374Z5iZAP1UENWcc8Ica9JnbUFyagrSM/s320/soto+medan.jpg)
Ingredients :
-1 ekor ayam, belah 4
-1 lbr daun salam
-1 btg serai, geprek
-5 lbr daun jeruk
-1 cm lengkuas, geprek
-250 ml santan kental
Seasoning / Bumbu halus:
-8 bawang merah
-3 bawang putih
-1/2 sdt merica bubuk
-1/2 sdm ketumbar bubuk
-1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk
-1 cm jahe
-3 btr kemiri, disangrai
-Gula pasir, sebagai penyedap
Complementary Ingredients / Pelengkap:
-Perkedel kentang
-Sambal cabe rawit
-Bawang daun
-Bawang goreng
-Nasi hangat tentunya...
How to Cook:
-Rendam ayam dgn air jeruk selama beberap waktu , cuci dan tiriskan.
-Didihkan 1 liter air.
-Masukkan ayam, 1 sdt garam, daun salam, serai, daun jeruk dan lengkuas.
Masak sampai ayam cukup empuk, kemudian angkat.
-Tumis bumbu halus hingga benar2 harum, kemudian masukkan ke dlm kaldu.
-goreng ayam, kemudian suwir - suwir / potong kecil - kecil
-Masukkan kembali tulang2 ayam kedlm kaldu berbumbu, masak dgn api kecil hingga bumbu menyerap.
-Tuang santan kental, masak kembali sampai mendidih dan bumbu benar2 menyerap.
-Sajikan saat masih panas
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