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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Indonesian Chiken Curry Recipe ( Resep Lontong Kari Ayam)

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of best curry recipe from Indonesia , named Indonesian chicken curry recipe or more famous as resep lontong kari ayam , this cuisine is very popular in Indonesia. This porridge's main ingredient is rice , coconut milk and of course chicken , the taste is very delicious and tasteful , just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Indonesian Chiken Curry Recipe ( Resep Lontong Kari Ayam)

Ingredients :

- 1 ekor ayam, potong sesuai selera
- 1 lbr daun salam
- 4 lbr daun jeruk, buang tulangnya
- 1 btg serai, geprek
- 3 btr cengkeh
- 1,5 ltr santan cair
- 1/2 ltr santan kental

Seasoning / Bumbu, haluskan:

- 10 bawang merah
- 4 bawang putih
- 4 cm jahe
- 4 cm lengkuas
- 3 cm kunyit, iris2, dipanggang sebentar
- 10 kemiri, digoreng
- 3-5 cabe merah
- Garam, gula putih, merica

Supplementary ingredients / Pelengkap:

- Lontong
- Emping
- Acar mentimun & cabe rawit

How to Cook:

-Lumuri ayam dgn air jeruk dan garam, biarkan bbrp saat.
-Kemudian goreng ayam sampai 1/2 matang. Sisihkan.
-Didihkan santan cair, masukkan bumbu halus bersama bumbu2 lainnya, dan ayam.
Masak dgn api kecil, sampai bumbu menyerap dan kaldu ayamnya keluar.
Tuang santan kental, masak kembali hingga mendidih sambil diaduk agar santan tidak pecah.
Angkat ayam, kemudian saring kaldunya hingga didapat kaldu yg bersih (bumbunya jangan lupa tekan2 di atas saringan agar sarinya keluar).
Masak kembali kaldu, masukkan ayam, biarkan sampai kaldunya menjadi sedikit berminyak,cicipi rasanya.
Hidangkan hangat bersama pelengkap lainnya.

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