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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rangrang Porridge Recipe ( Resep Bubur Rangrang )

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of best porridge recipe from Indonesia , named rangrang porridge recipe or more famous as resep bubur rangrang , this cuisine is very popular in Indonesia. This porridge's main ingredient is glutinous rice / sticky rice and red sugar , the taste is very good and of course exotic sweet , just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Rangrang Porridge Recipe ( Resep Bubur Rangrang )


-100 gr glutinous rice / beras ketan
-1500 ml coconut milk / santan encer
-150 gr red sugar / gula merah
-1 lbr pandan leave / daun pandan
-1 sdt salt / garam

Sauce / Saus :

Boiled (didihkan) :
500 ml coconut milk / santan
1 sdt salt/ garam

How to Cook :

- Masukkan beras ketan dan 1000 ml santan ke dlm panci presto.
- Masak hingga mendidih (sampai berdesis), kemudian kecilkan apinya.
- Masak selama 20 menit.
- Tunggu sampai tekanannya turun, kemudian buka tutup panci.
- Sementara itu, masak 500 ml santan bersama gula merah, kemudian saring.
- Masukkan larutan gula bersama daun pandan kedlm bubur, tambahkan garam.
- Masak kembali bubur hingga kental, sambil diaduk2.
- Sajikan bersama sausnya

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