Back again in Seleranusantara , one of the biggest Asian recipe source , especially Indonesian recipes. Today we gonna cook Indonesian Curried Crab or well known as Kepiting Kari . Many recipes about crab , such as black pepper sauce crab , padang sauce crab , but at this time i'm gonna share recipe about Indonesian Curried Crab. This idea came from many recipes that already exist in the world , such as curried rice , etc. Yeah from the title , you already know that this recipe is little bit spicy , but i guarantee you , that this recipe is very delicious . Just follow the instruction or you can make your own version , ok then happy cooking and thank you for coming to our website, seleranusantara . The biggest Indonesian food recipes.

There are many variation of sauce that can be used for cooking crab , one of them is curry sauce , it's completely different from other sauce , i'll bet it will be tasteful , so enjoy the recipe below :
Ingredients :
-4 crabs
-6 Shallots
-2 Stalks lemon grass
-2 ts Tamarind
-1/2 c Boiling water
-1 Handful coriander leaves
-3 Cloves garlic
-1 tb Fresh galangal
-2 To 3 birdseye chillies, -seeded
-4 Candlenuts
-1 t Blachan
-1 t Tumeric
-Salt and pepper to taste
-3 tb Oil
-2 c Coconut milk
How to Cook :
Cut the 4 crabs into quarters with a cleaver or large knife. With a hammer, gently crack the claws and harder sections of shell. Finely chop 6 shallots and 2 stalks lemon grass. Steep 2 teaspoons tamarind in half a cup of boiling water. Chop a handful of fresh coriander leaves. In a food processor, grind together 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon fresh galangal, 2-3 birdseye chillies, seeded, 4 candlenuts (or substitute 8-10 cashews) and 1 teaspoon blachan (hard dark brown shrimp paste), 1 teaspoon turmeric and salt and pepper to taste. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a large wok or pan, and fry the paste until fragrant. Add shallots, lemon grass, crab pieces and 2 cups coconut milk. Simmer for quarter of an hour. Strain the tamarind water and add half to the sauce. Taste and add more if you wish. Ladle curvy into a serving dish and scatter the fresh coriander on top. Serve with plain rice.
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