Back again in Seleranusantara , one of the biggest Asian recipe source , especially Indonesian recipes. Today we gonna cook Coconut Lamb Satay or well known as Lamb Satay served with coconut sauce . I tell you what ! this food is very popular in Indonesia , because it meet texture , little bit hard to be chew but that what people love. Many people belive that this food can increase your sex passion , but i don't for sure. But what i'm really sure is this food is very delicious and you must try it. Please find the recipe below , you can make your own creation if you like , therefore happy cooking.

At the picture above , we use soy sauce , but at the recipe below we will replace it with coconut sauce , that taste more oriental. Don't believe it? Ok let's prove it , take your equipment and follow below instruction , happy cooking.
Ingredients :
4 x (800-gram) lamb leg chops
1 smOnion
1 x Cl ove garlic,crushed
1 tbl Tamarind sauce
1 tbl Light soy sauce
1 tbl Vinegar
1 tsp Sambal oelek (see recipe)
1/4 cup Dessicated coconut
2 tbl Oil
1 tsp Sesame oil
How to Cook :
1.Remove fat and bones from lamb chops and cut into 2 cm cubes.
2.Combine lamb with chopped onion,garlic,tamarind sauce,soy sauce,vinegar, sambal oelek and coconut. Marinate for 2 hours or refrigerate overnight.
3.Thread lamb onto sweekers, brush with combined oils and cook under a hot preheated grill for 3 minutes.
If you want to make another creation , you can try this marinate / recipe with beef,chicken or pork , i'll bet you like it.
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