Back to selera nusantara , the biggest Asian and Indonesian source if recipe . Today we gonna cook one of Indonesian recipe that its idea came from western , but of cource we added for ingredients , so its taste will be more Asian taste , and it is totaly different with western curry , yes from the name you already now that we gonna cook Javanese Chicken Curry ( Resep Kari Ayam) . Like other curry food , it taste little bit spicy , but it depend on your taste , you could make it more hot or less hot , buy adding more chili ore reducing the chili . Just follow the instruction below , and you'll fet the delicious dish , and please feel free to modificate it you like. Enjoy cooking and see you next time with different Asian and Indonesian Food / Beverages Recipes.

How to Cook ? Just find below information and follow it , i'm sure you gonna be succes . Ok lets start cookind , prepare yoour equipment and enjoy !
-1 whole free range chicken, please cut into 8 pieces
-2 tbsp chicken stock powder
-1/2 tsp white sugar
-2 cm galangale, smashed
-2 bay leaves
-250 ml cocounut cream (450 ml light coconut milk)
Gravy / Paste :
-5 Asian shallots or 1/2 small red onion
-1 tsp salt
-3 cloves garlic
-1/2 tsp turmeric ground
-1 tsp coriander ground
How to Cook :
1. Boil chickens until are just tender, discard the excess fat
2. Heat 2 tbsp cooking oil in small fry-pan, stir fry paste until fragrant
3. Add paste, galangal and bay leaves into the soup
4. Add chicken stock and salt, adjust the taste
5. Cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
6. Remove from heat
- Cabbage, thinly slice
- Bean sprouts, soak in hot water about 30 seconds, drained
- Emping crackers
- Spring onion, thinly chopped
- Celery leaves, thinly chopped
Chili Sauce :
6 red chillies and 1/2 big tomato, cook in boiling water for 1,5 minute
using food blender, process until smooth (mortar and pestle will do the best)
add a little bit hot water, 1/2 tsp vinegar and 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
stir well, ready to serve.
Serving Suggestion:
- Put veggies into serving bowl
- Sprinkle with spring onion and celery
- Spoon chicken and soup into the bowl
- Serve with emping crackers and chili sauce
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