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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gravy Batagor | Cuankie (Batagor kuah)

batagor kuah masakan indonesia
(sumber : hertiarc)

Batagor is the abreviation of 'Bakso Tahu Goreng' means fried tofu meatball, interesting right? Today i wanna share you the Gravy Batagor recipe, its the same batagor i've described above, but differently you eat it with broth. You know its taste terrific!, mostly if you eat it in cold temperature.
The word "cuankie" is commonly seen in the street of Bandung, where the seller use his gerobak, with the "cuankie" text written on it.

Iya, kalau di Bandung di pikulan si abangnya ada tulisan "Cuankie".
Sejenis batagor yg berbahan dasar ikan tenggiri,
kemudian disiram dengan kaldu yg rasanya gurih sekali.
Cukup mengenyangkan, karena biasanya 1 porsi/ mangkok terdiri beberapa batagor
ditambah dengan bakso sapi.

The material of batagor:
-500 gr tenggiri, smoothen
-1 pc egg
-250 gr cornflour tani
-cold water/adequate ice (until batter was rather mushy, but still could be formed)
-4 teaspoon of garam
-2-1/2 spoon of sand sugar
-1-1/2 teaspoon of pepper
-Tofu ,cut it diagonally , dredge its center part

The Broth material :
-2 litre broth ayam
-1 cm ginger, geprek(crushed)
-4 garlics, geprek(crushed)
-2 tablespoons of soy sauce ikan
-2-3 teaspoons of garam
-3/4 teaspoon of sand sugar

-green mustard greens, boiled for a while
-beef meatballs
-the Spring Onion, the slice smooth
-celery, the slice smooth
-the fried Onion
-chilli rawit Sauce
-the Citrus Fruit

How to make:
-Mixed the tenggiri fish with the egg + 400 ml cold water until level(homogen) (in food processor).
-added salt, sand sugar and pepper.
-moved fish batter into container that big enough.
-put cornflour a bit after bit while being stirred level.
-added water when batter was still hard.
-Taste it seems (should not hesitate with the spice, so that really was felt delicious).
-Put some batter inside tofu that have been dredge its center part
-Afterwards fry some part,theb boil the rest. move to side
-some other batter formed round (with 2 spoons), afterwards fried. move to side

boiled chicken broth with the garlic and ginger until its scents good smell.
Add the spice, taste it.

boil the broth, afterwards put several pieces batagor and cattle meatballs.
Put in the bowl with other accessories.
Present in while its warm.

Bahan batagor:
500 gr tenggiri, haluskan
1 btr telur
250 gr tepung kanji tani
air dingin/es secukupnya (sampai adonan agak lembek, tetapi masih dapat dibentuk)
4 sdt garam
2-1/2 sdm gula pasir
1-1/2 sdt merica

Tahu, potong diagonal, keruk bag. tengahnya

2 ltr kaldu ayam
1 cm jahe, geprek
4 bawang putih, geprek
2 sdm kecap ikan
2-3 sdt garam
3/4 sdt gula pasir

Sawi hijau, rebus sebentar
Baso sapi
Bawang daun, iris halus
Seledri, iris halus
Bawang goreng
Sambal cabe rawit
Jeruk nipis

Cara membuat:
Campur ikan tenggiri bersama telur + 400 ml air dingin sampai rata (dlm food processor).
Tambahkan garam, gula pasir dan merica.
Pindahkan adonan ikan kedalam wadah yg cukup besar.
Masukkan tepung kanji sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata.
Tambahkan air bila adonan masih keras.
Cicipi rasanya (jangan ragu dengan bumbu, agar benar2 terasa gurihnya).
Masukkan sebagian adonan kedalam tahu yg telah dikeruk bag. tengahnya.
Kemudian sebagian digoreng, sebagian lagi direbus. sisihkan
Sebagian adonan yg lain bentuk bulat (dgn bantuan 2 buah sendok), kemudian goreng. Sisihkan.

Rebus kaldu ayam bersama bawang putih dan jahe sampai keluar aromanya.
Tambahkan bumbu, cicipi rasanya.

Didihkan kaldu, kemudian masukkan beberapa potong batagor dan bakso sapi.
Masukkan kedalam wadah saji bersama pelengkap lainnya.
Hidangkan dalam keadaan hangat.

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