This is a modification of the cakes introduced in Java in 1200's by the immigrants from China. Steamed sweet mung bean, soybean, peanuts, or whatever else, wrapped inside a spoonful of dough consisting of some cooked pounded glutinous rice ('ketan'), then re-steamed.The ku cakes sold in traditional markets and roadside delis might have been made with chemical coloring agents that are not supposed to get into your system; while the original ones are colored with fruit syrups and herbal coloring materials.
Kue mu??? ah kueku kali??? hehehheh... jangan salah... nama kue yang satu ini memang kue ku... rasanya kenyal - kenyal manis, enak deh... ayo coba!! hehehehehe
Kue mu??? ah kueku kali??? hehehheh... jangan salah... nama kue yang satu ini memang kue ku... rasanya kenyal - kenyal manis, enak deh... ayo coba!! hehehehehe
Bahan isi (Content Ingredients):
-125 gr kacang hijau kupas, rendam 1 jam
(125 gram greenpeal, submerge it in the water for 1 hour)
-50 gr gula pasir (50 gram sugar)
-100 ml santan kental (100 ml concentrated coconut milk)
-1/2 sdt garam ( 1/2 spoon of salt)
-2 lbr daun jeruk ( 2 leaf of orange leaves)
Bahan kulit (Skin Ingredients) :
-200 gr tepung ketan ( 200 gram sticky rice flour/powder)
-50 gr gula halus (50 gram of crushed sugar)
-75 gr kentang kukus, haluskan ( 75 gram steamed potato, crushed it)
-1 sdm minyak goreng (1 spoon od ookng oil)
-80 ml santan ( 80 ml of coconut milk)
-50 ml air daun suji (50 ml fuji leaves water)
-1/2 sdt garam ( 1/2 spoon salt)
-2 tetes pewarna merah ( 2 drops of dye, red color)
-Daun pisang, potong 8x8 cm (banana leaves/leaf)
-Minyak goreng untuk mengoles (cooking oil)
Cara membuat (How to Make) :
1. Buat isi: kukus kacang hijau hingga lembut, haluskan. Masak kacang hijau halus dengan gula pasir, santan, garam dan daun jeruk, aduk hingga dapat dipulung, angkat, dinginkan. Timbang seberat 10 gr, sisihkan.
(for the content : steame the greenpeal until soft, crushed it). Cook the greenpeal together with sugar, coconut milki, salt and orange leaves (leaf), mix it until able to form, lift it up, left it until cold, take 10 gram of cooked greenpeal)
2. Buat kulit: aduk rata tepung ketan bersama, gula halus, kentang halus, minyak goreng, santan dan garam. Ambil adonan 1 sdm, beri pewarna merah, aduk rata. Sisa adonan beri air daun suji, aduk rata.
(for the skin: mix the sticky rice powder/flour together with crushed sugar, crushed potato, cooking oil, coconut milk and salt. Take 1 spoon of the dough, give the dye to it, mix it. The rest dough, give suji leaves water to it, mix it)
3. Tabur tepung ketan di atas cetakan, ambil 25 gr adonan hijau dan sedikit adonan merah, pipihkan, taruh isi ,tutup kembali, taruh di atas cetakan kue ku, tekan hingga memenuhi cetakan.
(spread sticky rice powder on top of the mold, take 25 gram of green dough and red dough, form it and put it to kuwehku mold)
4. Balikkan cetakan sambil diketuk-ketuk di atas daun pisang hingga kue keluar. Kukus dalam dandang yang telah dipanaskan, selama 10 menit. Angkat, oles permukaannya dengan minyak goreng.
(Steam it for 10 minutes)
(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)