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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ayam Goreng Bogor (Bogor Fried Chiken)

This is one of many fried chiken in Indonesia, but this one is from Bogor, the rainy town in Indonesia which is famous with Taman Raya Bogor. For this food , it is delicious if you use the chiken that grows naturally with out hormone medicine or chiken woth less fat.. This food taste delicious and crispy, so please try it.....

Ayam goreng bogor paling mantep jika menggunakan ayam kampung. Tapi kalau nga ada, coba pilihlah ayam dengan kadarlemak yang sedikit...

Bahan (Ingredients):
-1 ekor ayam (600 gr), cuci, rendam air jeruk
(1 chicken (600 gram) , wash it until clean, submerge it with lime water)
-1 cm lengkuas (1cm galangale leaves)
-1 btg serai (1 bar serai)

Bumbu halus (Seasoning) :
-6 bawang merah (6 pieces red onions)
-2 bawang putih (2 pieces garlic)
-1 sdt ketumbar bubuk (1 spoon ketumbar powder)
-1/2 sdt merica (a half spoon of pepper)
-2 cm kunyit, sangrai (2 cm turmeric)
-4 btr kemiri, sangrai (4 pieces lemon grass , crushed it)
-1/2 cm jahe (a half cm ginger)
-1/2 sdt gula merah (a half spoon of red sugar)
-1 sdt garam (1 spoon of salt)
-1 sdm air asam jawa (1 spoon of Javanese sour water)

Cara membuat (How to make) :
-Cuci kembali ayam yang telah direndam air jeruk, tiriskan.
(wash again the chiken that already sumbmerged in lime water, after that lift it up)
-Ungkeb ayam bersama bumbu, hingga cukup empuk.
(Mix the chiken with all seasoning / spices)
-Goreng hingga kecoklatan.
(fry it until it's skin turn to brown)

Catatan (Note) :
Bila menggunakan ayam kampung, tambahkan air secukupnya pada saat mengungkeb.
For less fat chiken, please add more water when you mix the chicken with the seasoning / spices

(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)