This soup is from Java, known as soup from Sunda,it taste delicious with little sweet taste, hmm... very interesting hah? why dont we just try to make it??? i gives you something diferent...
Sayur khas Sunda dengan cita rasa sedikit manis.
Bahan (ingredients):
-300 gr kacang merah segar (300 gram red nut)
-1 ltr air (1 litre of water)
-1 lbr daun salam (1 salam leaves)
-1 cm lengkuas (1 cm galangale)
-2 bh cabe merah, belah 2 (2 pieces red chilli , cut it to 2)
-1 bh tomat, potong 4 (1 piece of tomato , cut it to 4)
-2 btg daun bawang, potong2 2 cm (2 bar of spring leaves , cut it every 2 cm)
Bumbu (Seasoning):
-5 bawang merah, iris halus (5 pieces of red onion, cut it until soft)
-2 bawang putih, iris halus (2 pieces of garlic, cut it until soft)
-1/2 sdt terasi (a half spoon of terasi/curshed small shrimps)
-1- 1 1/2 sdm gula merah (1 spoon of red sugar)
-1 sdt garam (1 spoon of salt)
-1 sdm air asam jawa (1 spoon of javanese sour water)
Cara membuat (How to make):
-Rebus kacang merah hingga setengah empuk bersama daun salam dan lengkuas.
(Boil the red nut until hafl cooked together with salam leaves and lengkuas)
-Masukkan seluruh bumbu, masak kembali hingga kacang benar2 empuk (tapi jangan sampai pecah).
(Put in all seasoning / spices , cook until mellow / tender)
-Terakhir masukkan cabe merah, tomat dan daun bawang. Masak hingga cukup layu.
(Put in the red chilli, tomato and onion leaves, cook it until sear)
-Cicipi rasanya.
(Taste it)
-Sajikan hangat.
(Serve it hot)
(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)
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