Hey , welcome back again to seleranusantara , the biggest Asian Food Recipe Site. Now Seleranusantara not only share asian & Indonesian cuisine recipe but we will also share many recipes from all over the world, such as European and American food recipe. Today i'll share one of best european cake recipe named Steamed Chocolate Cake Recipe or more popular as Resep Cake Coklat Kukus in Indonesia. This food is very delicious, just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, you will success.
Source : Herti Arc
Ingredients :
-1 Cup cocoa powder (1 cup coklat bubuk)
-1 Cup granulated sugar (1 cup gula pasir)
-1 Cup oil (liquid margarine)(1 cup minyak (margarine cair))
-1 Cup of liquid milk (1 cup susu cair)
-1 / 2 cup sweetened condensed milk (1/2 cup susu kental manis)
-1 1 / 4 cup flour (1 1/4 cup tepung terigu)
-1 Teaspoon baking powder (1 sdt baking powder)
-1 Teaspoon baking soda (1 sdt baking soda)
-3 Eggs, beaten off (3 btr telur, kocok lepas )
How to Make :
-Mix cocoa powder, sugar, milk and oil (Campur coklat bubuk, gula pasir, susu dan minyak).
-Heat over a flame, just until sugar dissolves (Panaskan di atas api, cukup sampai gula larut).
-Remove, let cool (Angkat, dinginkan).
-Meanwhile, mix flour, baking powder and bicarbonate soda, then sifted (Sementara itu campur tepung, baking powder dan soda bicarbonate, kemudian ayak).
-Pour sweetened condensed milk into the chocolate mixture and stir well (Tuang susu kental manis kedalam campuran coklat, aduk rata).
-Also enter the egg into it and stir well (Masukkan pula telur kedalamnya, aduk rata).
-Enter the entire mixture into the flour, stirring until well blended perlahan2 (Masukkan seluruh campuran kedalam tepung, aduk perlahan2 hingga tercampur rata).
-Enter into a mold and then steamed until cooked more or less for 1 hour (Masukkan kedalam cetakan kemudian kukus hingga matang kurang lebih 1 jam).
-1 / 2 this recipe produces a small loaf pan (1/2 resep ini menghasilkan 1 loyang loaf kecil).
-Do not forget, before the dough is steamed, make sure the water in the steamer is boiling! (Jangan lupa, sebelum adonan dikukus, pastikan air dalam kukusan sudah benar2 mendidih!)
-This dough expands 2X, so do not full fill the mold (This dough expands 2X, so do not full fill the mold ya)
-For the last presentation, I think this cake awful if given a chocolate ganache filling (Untuk penyajian terakhir, kayaknya kue ini enak banget kalau dikasih filling ganache coklat)
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