Hey , welcome back again to seleranusantara , the biggest Asian Food Recipe Site. Now Seleranusantara not only share asian & Indonesian cuisine recipe but we will also share many recipes from all over the world, such as European and American food recipe. Today i'll share one of best Indonesian cake recipe named Sweet Centik Recipe or more popular as Resep Centik Manis in Asia. This food is very delicious, just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, you will success.
-1 pack flour hunkue (90 gr)(1 bks tepung hunkue (kira2 90 gr))
-900 ml thick coconut milk (900 ml santan kental)
-150 gr sugar (150 gr gula pasir)
-75 grams of dry sago seeds(75 gr biji sagu kering)
-3 / 4 teaspoon salt (3/4 sdt garam)
-pandan leaf (daun pandan)
How to cook :
-Boil beans until cooked sago and clear.(Rebus biji sagu hingga matang dan bening.)
-Enter cold water to prevent sticking, then strain. (Masukkan kedlm air dingin agar tidak lengket, kemudian saring.)
-Boil 700 ml coconut milk with salt, pandan leaves and sugar until boiling. (Rebus 700 ml santan bersama garam, daun pandan dan gula pasir hingga mendidih.)
-Meanwhile, mix together flour 200 ml coconut milk hunkue until blended.(Sementara itu campur 200 ml santan bersama tepung hunkue hingga rata.)
-Remove pandan leaves and enter the solution hunkue flour dip yg tlh boiling coconut milk. (Angkat daun pandan, kemudian masukkan larutan tepung hunkue ke dlm santan yg tlh mendidih.)
-Cook it with low heat until the dough is thick and clear reply. (Masak dgn api kecil hingga menjadi adonan yg kental dan bening.)
-Taste the flavor. Lift. (Cicipi rasanya. Angkat.)
-Enter sago seeds and stir well. (Masukkan biji sagu, aduk rata.)
-Prepare the plastic, give 1 1 / 2 tablespoons batter, then wrap.(Siapkan plastik, beri 1 1/2 sdm adonan, kemudian bungkus.)
The process must be fast enough, still juncture dough warm / blm frozen. Can jg cetakan2 inserted small dip. Refrigerate Dlm refrigerator.(Pengerjaannya hrs cukup cepat, dlm keadaan adonan msh hangat/blm beku , Bisa jg dimasukkan ke dlm cetakan2 kecil, dinginkan dlm kulkas)
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