Trinidad Pelau Recipe
Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of favourite recipe from Afrika, to be more specific from Trinidad, named Trinidad Pelau Recipe. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.
- 3 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 pound beef for stew, cut in 1 inch pieces
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 1/2 cups uncooked brown rice
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 2 cups fresh pigeon peas
- 1 cup chopped carrot
- 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh parsley
How to Cook :
Cook sugar in a large saucepan over medium heat until it begins to caramelize. Stir in the beef, and cook until well browned. Bring the water, coconut milk, rice, pigeon peas, and carrot to a simmer; cover and cook until rice is done, about 25 minutes. Stir in parsley to garnish.
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