Banana Cake Recipe ( Resep Kue Pisang )
Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of recipe from Indonesa , Banana Cake Recipe or Resep Kue Pisang . This cake is a traditional cake , i still remember that i used to eat this cake when i was young. This is an excellent cake for traditional cake lovers!" . Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.
- 3-10 rice kepuk bananas or 2 tanduk bananas, steamed until done
- 1 packet (about 125 grams) of mung bean ( hunkwe) flour
- 1 ¼ litres coconut milk from 1 ½ coconuts
- 200 grams granulated sugar
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla
- banana leaves, for wrapping
How to Cook :
- Peel bananas, cut diagonally to a thickness of about 1 cm and set aside
- Dilute mung bean flour with part of the coconut milk and set aside
- Boil remaining coconut milk with sugar, salt and vanilla. Add mung bean flour mixture and keep stirring until the dough thick and done
- Take a sheet of banana leaf cut into the desired size, place 1 tablespoon dough on it, add 1 slice of banana and top with another1 tablespoon dough.
- Fold both sides of the leaf to cover the dough, then buck in both ends so that the banana cake has a size of about 4x7 cm. Leave the dough to cool and set.
Indonesian Translation
- Kepuk beras 3-10 pisang atau 2 buah pisang tanduk, kukus sampai matang
- 1 paket (sekitar 125 gram) kacang hijau (hunkwe) tepung
- 1 ¼ liter santan dari 1 ½ kelapa
- 200 gram gula pasir
- ¼ sendok teh garam
- ¼ sendok teh vanili
- Daun pisang, untuk membungkus
Cara Cook:
- Kupas pisang, potong diagonal dengan ketebalan sekitar 1 cm dan sisihkan
- Encerkan tepung kacang hijau dengan bagian dari air kelapa dan sisihkan
- Rebus sisa santan dengan gula, garam dan vanili. Tambahkan campuran tepung kacang hijau dan terus aduk sampai adonan kental dan dilakukan
- Ambil selembar daun pisang dipotong menjadi ukuran yang dikehendaki, letakkan 1 sdm adonan di atasnya, tambahkan 1 iris pisang dan atas dengan another1 sendok makan adonan.
- Lipat kedua sisi daun untuk menutupi adonan, kemudian buck di kedua ujungnya sehingga kue pisang memiliki ukuran sekitar 4x7 cm. Biarkan adonan hingga dingin dan menetapkan
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