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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kakap Meuniere Recipe ( Resep Kakap Meuniere )

Kakap Meuniere Recipe ( Resep Kakap Meuniere )

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of recipe from Indonesia , named Kakap Meuniere Recipe ( Resep Kakap Meuniere ) . This seafood cuisine taste delicious and have a good looking too , you should try this fillet . Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Kakap Meuniere Recipe ( Resep Kakap Meuniere  )Available in English and Indonesian


- 1 kg Fillet kakap fish (red fish) , cut the width of 8
- Royco chicken taste (chicken seasoing powder) 1 tbsp
- 1 egg grain, shake loose
- 100 gr bread flour
- Margarine 200 gr

Sauce material:

- Margarine 75 gr
- Wheat 75 gr
- 350 ml milk
- Royco chicken (chicken seasoing powder) taste 1 tbsp
- 3 yellow grains, shake loose
- Onion 1 / 2 fruit,
- finely chopped and drown it with 1 tsp vinegar for 15 minutes
- 3 rod parsley, chopped

How to cook :

1. Mix the fish with taste royco ago diamkan chicken for 15 minutes
2. Put in the eggs, one by one . And shakes it
3. Roll it into bread flour
4. Fry in margarine until brown

1.Heat margarine and wheat entries ago susu.
2.Cook until thick and lift
3.Enter the egg ago cukanya with onion and parsley.
The sauce is ready tobe served

Serve the fish iwith the sauce

Indonesian Translation

Bahan - bahan :

- Fillet ikan kakap 1 kg, potong lebar 8 bagian
- Penyedap rasa ayam 1 sdm
- Telur 1 butir, kocok lepas
- Tepung roti 100 gr
- Margarin 200 gr

Bahan saus:

- Margarin 75 gr
- Terigu 75 gr
- Susu 350 ml
- penyedap rasa ayam 1 sdm
- kuning telur 3 butir, kocok lepas
- Bawang bombay 1/2 buah,
- cincang halus lalu rendam dengan 1 sdt cuka selama 15 menit
- Peterseli 3 batang, cincang

Cara membuat :

- Lumuri ikan dengan penyedap rasa ayam lalu diamkan selama 15 menit
- Celupkan satu persatu ke dalam kocokan telur,
- gulingkan ke dalam tepung roti
- goreng dalam margarin hingga kecoklatan

Saus :

- Panaskan margarin lalu masukan terigu dan susu.
- Masak hingga kental lalu angkat
- Masukkan telur lalu bawang bombay bersama cukanya dan peterseli.
- Saus siap dihidangkan

Sajikan ikan yang sudah digoreng dengan sausnya