Back to selera nusantara , the biggest Asian and Indonesian source if recipe . Today we gonna cook one of Indonesian cake recipe that taste very nice. (Resep)Kue lapis , that was we usually called this cakes , it means layer cakes , yeah cakes with many layers , where every layers have their own colour , that what makes this cakes so beautiful and so delicious. If i not mistaken , this cakes came from Jakarta / Betawi city since long time ago , so your are lucky to get this tradional caked recipe , i'll bet that this cakes is very difficult to ind in the country other than Indonesia. Ok , just follow the instruction and enjoy it , happy cooking ! Enjoy cooking and see you next time with different Asian and Indonesian Food / Beverages Recipes.

How to Cook ? Just find below information and follow it , i'm sure you gonna be succes . Ok lets start cookind , prepare yoour equipment and enjoy !
Ingredients :
Serves 20
-1 litter coconut milk
-3 pandan leafs
-270 gram rice flour
-100 gram corn starch
-300 gram granulated sugar
-Food color red and green (you can change the color if you want)
How to Cook :
1.Cook coconut milk with salt and pandan leaf. After it boiled, take out and let it cool.
2.Mix rice flour, corn starch, and granulated sugar. Pour coconut milk little by little while stir continuously.
3.Split the dough into 3 parts. Leave the first part without color. The other colored into red and green.
4.Take out a tray size 18 cm. layer with plastic and cover with oil. Pour the white dough on the base of the tray and stem for 10 minutes.
5.Pour the red dough and stem for 10 minutes, and so on with the green dough and the rest of the dough.
2.Mix rice flour, corn starch, and granulated sugar. Pour coconut milk little by little while stir continuously.
3.Split the dough into 3 parts. Leave the first part without color. The other colored into red and green.
4.Take out a tray size 18 cm. layer with plastic and cover with oil. Pour the white dough on the base of the tray and stem for 10 minutes.
5.Pour the red dough and stem for 10 minutes, and so on with the green dough and the rest of the dough.