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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ayam Goreng Kecap (Soya Sauce Fried Chicken)

One of my favorite food is soya sauce friend chiken, it taste nice, sweet and delicious and the important thing is that this food is easy to make... just try ity , you won't regret it..

Salah satu makanan favorit saya adalah ayam goreng kecap, manis - manis gurih... enak deh.. kaya yang ada di rstoran, coba deh buat... pasti ketagihan

Bahan (Ingredients) :
-8 ptg sayap ayam, potong ujungnya (8 pieces of chiken wings , cut the edge / end)
-100 gr bawang bombay, dipotong kasar (100 gram of bombay onion , cut it into big pieces)
-4 sng bawang putih, geprek, cincang halus (4 pieces garlic, crushed and cuit it until soft)
-2 cm jahe, geprek, cincang halus (2 cm ginger, crushed and cut it until soft)
-1 btg daun bawang, potong kasar (spring leaves, cut it roughly)
-1 sdm saus tiram (1 spoon of tiram sauce)
-1 sdm kecap asin (1 spoon of salty soya)
-3 sdm kecap manis (1 spoon of sweet soya)
-3 sdm mentega ( 3 spoons of butter)
-air jeruk limo secukupnya (adequate lime water)

Cara membuat (How to make) :
-Rendam sayap ayam dengan air jeruk, garam dan merica.
(submerge the chikens wings with lime water, salt and pepper)
-Biarkan sampai bumbu meresap.
(let it, until the seasoning become absorbed)
-Kemudian goreng hingga matang. Sisihkan.
(fry it until until well cooked)
-Tumis bawang putih dan jahe dengan 2 sdm minyak bekas menggoreng ayam + mentega.
(fry garlic and ginger together with 2 spoons of cooking oil and butter)
-Masukkan saus tiram, kecap asin dan kecap manis.
(put in the tiram sauce, salty soya and sweet soya)
-Tambahkan bawang bombay, aduk hingga setengah layu.
(add the bombay onion, mix and cook it until half cooked / done)
-Masukkan potongan ayam kedalamnya. Aduk hingga saus meresap ke dalam ayam.
(put in the chiken wings into the fry pan, mix itu until the seasoning become absorbed by the chiken wings)
-Tambahkan bawang daun, aduk sebentar kemudian angkat.
(add the onion leaves into the fry pan, mix until well cooked, lift it up)
-Beri perasan air jeruk limo, aduk. Hidangkan panas.
(serve the soya sauce fried chiken with lime water on the top of it)

(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)

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