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Monday, January 11, 2010

Wonton Soup Recipe (Resep Sup Wonton)

Wonton Soup Soup Recipe (Resep Sup Wonton)

Welcome back again to seleranusantara , now selera nusantara is being global web that serve many recipes from all around the world , not only from asia. Today we'll share one of favourite recipe from China named IWonton Soup Soup Recipe or Reseo Sup Wonton. This main ingredients is pork meat , but you can replace it with chicken or shrimp. Just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

Ingredients :

- 1/2 pound boneless pork loin, coarsely chopped
- 2 ounces peeled shrimp, finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
- 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped green onion
- 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger root
- 24 (3.5 inch square) wonton wrappers
- 3 cups chicken stock
- 1/8 cup finely chopped green onion

How to Cook :

1. In a large bowl, combine pork, shrimp, sugar, wine, soy sauce, 1 teaspoon chopped green onion and ginger. Blend well, and let stand for 25 to 30 minutes.
2. Place about one teaspoon of the filling at the center of each wonton skin. Moisten all 4 edges of wonton wrapper with water, then pull the top corner down to the bottom, folding the wrapper over the filling to make a triangle. Press edges firmly to make a seal. Bring left and right corners together above the filling. Overlap the tips of these corners, moisten with water and press together. Continue until all wrappers are used.
3. FOR SOUP: Bring the chicken stock to a rolling boil. Drop wontons in, and cook for 5 minutes. Garnish with chopped green onion, and serve.

Uncooked wontons will keep in freezer for a good 2 months if well wrapped. Thaw before frying, but they can be boiled straight from frozen and cooked 2 minutes longer.)
FRY: Heat 2 to 3 cups of oil in a wok until hot. Deep-fry wontons in batches until golden, 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Drain. Serve with dipping sauce or duck sauce, also called plum sauce. 

Indonesian Translation


- 1 / 2 £ daging babi tanpa tulang pinggang, cincang kasar
- 2 ons udang kupas, dicincang halus
- 1 sendok teh gula
- 1 sendok makan arak beras cina
- 1 sendok makan kecap cahaya
- 1 sendok teh daun bawang cincang halus
- 1 sdt jahe segar cincang
- 24 (3,5 inci persegi) Wonton wrappers
- 3 cangkir kaldu ayam
- 1 / 8 cangkir daun bawang cincang halus

Cara Memasak:

1. Dalam mangkuk besar, campur daging babi, udang, gula, anggur, kecap, 1 sendok teh daun bawang cincang dan jahe. Aduk rata, dan diamkan selama 25 sampai 30 menit.

2. Tempat sekitar satu sendok teh dari pompa di pusat masing-masing kulit Wonton. Membasahi semua 4 tepi Wonton wrapper dengan air, lalu tarik sudut atas ke bawah, lipat bungkusnya di atas untuk mengisi sebuah segitiga. Tekan tepi tegas untuk membuat segel. Membawa sudut kiri dan kanan bersama-sama di atas mengisi. Tumpang tindih ujung sudut ini, melembabkan dengan air dan tekan bersama-sama. Lanjutkan hingga semua pembungkus yang digunakan.

3. UNTUK SUP: Didihkan kaldu ayam untuk bergulir mendidih. Drop wontons dalam, dan masak selama 5 menit. Hiasi dengan irisan daun bawang, dan melayani.

Catatan Kaki :

Wontons mentah akan terus di lemari es untuk yang baik 2 bulan jika dibungkus dengan baik. Mencair sebelum menggoreng, tetapi mereka dapat direbus langsung dari beku dan dimasak 2 menit lagi.)

FRY: Panaskan 2-3 cangkir minyak dalam wajan sampai panas. Deep-wontons dalam batch goreng sampai kekuningan, 2 hingga 3 menit di setiap sisi. Tiriskan. Sajikan dengan saus atau saus bebek, juga disebut saus plum.

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