Welcome back again to seleranusantara , the biggest Asian Food Recipe Site. , more than 500 recipes and keep updated. Today i'll share one of best seafood recipe in Indonesia named Vegetables Stew Recipe or more popular as resep sayur lodeh in Indonesia language. This cuisine is very fresh and tastefull with coconut ingredients. I can guarantee that the taste of this recipe is so wonderful and delicious , one of the best Indonesian recipe , you should try it . Well , just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, and happy cooking friends and the result should be wonderful.

- 1 chayote
- 10 green chilies
- 1 petai pod (stinky beans)
- 4 long (string) beans
- 10 salam leaves
- 4 cabbage leaves
- 10 (100 gr.) white prawns
- 11 small shallots, thinly sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
- 2 liters santan (coconut milk)
- Salt to taste
How To Cook :
-Peel chayote in cube shapes. Slice green chilies in the long way. Peel petai and divide. Slice cabbage leaves. Cut long beans in a-5 cm length. Feel prawns, then boil. After done leak through.
-Boil chayote with santan and onions slice garlic and salam leaves. After boiling for a moment put all vegetable ingredients prawns. and salt to taste. Ready to serve
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