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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sambal Goreng Tempe ( fermented soybean patty fried chilli sauce)

sambal goreng tempe masakan indonesia
(Source :

Bahan (Ingredients):
-200 gr tempe, potong2 1/2 cm, goreng 1/2 matang
(200 gram a ko fermented soybean patty, cut it every 0.5 cm , fry it)
-1-2 bh cabe hijau, potong serong
(2 pieces green chilli, cut it)
-1 bh tomat, potong2 (1 piece tomato, cut it into small pieces)
-1 lbr daun salam (1 salam leaf)
-1 cm lengkuas (1 cm the galangale)
-125 ml santan (125 ml coconut milk)
-1 sdm kecap manis (1 spoon of sweet soy sauce)

Bumbu halus (Seasoning / spices):
-2-3 cabe merah (3 pieces of red chilli)
-4 bawang merah (4 pieces of red onion / shallot)
-2 bawang putih (2 pieces of garlic)
-2 btr kemiri ( 2 pieces candlenut / pecan)
-1/4 sdt terasi (1/4 spoon of shrimp paste)
-gula merah (red sugar)
-garam (salt)

Cara membuat (How to make):
-Tumis bumbu halus bersama daun salam, lengkuas, cabe hijau dan tomat hingga harum.
(Saute the seasoning together with the salam leaf, the galangale, green chilli and tomato until smells nice)
-Tambahkan potongan tempe dan kecap, aduk rata.
(Add ko fermented soybean patty and sweet soy sauce to it, mix it)
-Tuangkan santan, masak hingga bumbu meresap.
(Add the coconut milk into it, mix it)

(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)