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Friday, October 26, 2007

Ayam Rampai (Rampai Chiken)

ayam rampai masakan indonesia(Sumber :

Bahan-bahan (Ingredients) :
-1/2 ekor ayam [buangkan kulit dan potong kecil..bersihkan]
(1/2 chiken, throw away its skin, clean it)
-5 biji kentang[ potong kecil dan gorengkan]
( 5 pieces of potatoes, cut it to smal pieces and fry it)
-1 batang carrot [potong kecil] ( 1 carrot , cut it to small pieces)
-20 tangkai kacang sepat/buncis (20 pieces of bean /chickpea)
-1 bij capsicum merah[potong kecil] (1 pieces of red capsicum, cut it intp small pieces)
-2 biji tomato [belah 6] (2 tomatoes, cut it into 6 parts)
-1 labu bawang besar [potong bulat] (1 big pumpkin onion)
-3 biji cili merah [hiriskan kasar] (3 pieces of red chilli)
-10 biji cili api [hiriskan kasar]...kalau nak pedas... ( 10 pieces of fire chilli)
-garam (salt)
-kunyit serbuk (turmeric powder)
-minyak (cooking oil)

Bahan tumis [hiriskan] (Sauted Ingredients) :
-3 ulas bawang putih ( 3 pieces of garlic)
-3 ulas bawang merah (3 pieces of red onion / shallot onion)
-3 cm halia (3 cm ginger)

Cara Memasak (How to Cook) :
1. Gaulkan garam dan kunyit pada ayam dan gorengkan sampai masak [gunakan minyak bekas goreng kentang]. Jangan terlalu garing [nanti keras isi aayam tu]
(Mix the salt and turmeric powder with the chiken, fry it until not too crispy)
2. Keluarkan minyak dan tinggalkan untuk tumis bahan tumis.
(lift it up)
3. Tumiskan bahan tumis sehingga wangi dan masukkan ayam semula. Gaulkan rata.
(Saute / cook the sauted ingredients, until smells nice, add the chiken into it, mix it)
4. Masukkan sayuran kacang dan carrot dan cili semua. Gaulkan rata.
(Put in the bean/chickpea , carrot and chilli, mix it)
5. Masukkan semua bahan lain dan kacau rata. Rasakan garamnya.
(put in all the other ingredients, add salt into it)
6. Angkat dan hidangkan
(Lift it up, serve it)

(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)