* 1 ekor ayam, bersihkan belah dua
(1 complete / whole chiken, clean it and cut it 2 big parts)
* 8 butir bawang merah , 3 siung bawang putih ( tumbuk halus dengan garam secukupnya)
(8 pieces of shallot onion, 3 pieces of garlic, crush it until soft together with enough salt)
* 1 ibu jari lengkuas, memarkan ( 1 piece og galangale)
* 4 lembar daun salam ( 4 leaf of greeting leaves)
* santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa (a half coconut milk)
* minyak goreng secukupnya (cooking oil)
Cara membuatnya (How to make) :
1. Taruh ayam dalam panci, bubuhi bumbu halus, lengkuas daun salam dan tuang santan.
(Put the chiken into the pan, spiced with soft seasoning /mustard, the galanggale, greeting leaves, and coconut milk)
2. Masak dengan api besar sampai mendidih, setelah itu kecilkan apinya, masak hingga ayam empuk.
(Cook it with big fire until be o the boil, then use the small fire to boil the chiken until soft/tender)
3. Angkat. (lift /raise it)
4. Goreng ayam dalam minyak yg panas sekali.
(Fry the chiken it the extremely hot oil)
5. Hidangkan. (Serve it)
(Selera Nusantara , sumber berbagai resep masakan Indonesia / makanan Indonesia , ada resep minuman Indonesia juga loh....)
(Selera Nusantara is the source of all Indonesian food and beverage , you can also share your recipe with others)