Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Makasarnese Soup Recipe (Resep Cotto Makasar)

Hey , welcome back again to seleranusantara , the biggest Asian Food Recipe Site. Now Seleranusantara not only share Asian & Indonesian cuisine recipe but we will also share many recipes from all over the world, such as European and American food recipe. Today i'll share one of best Indonesian recipe named Makasarnese Soup Recipe or more popular as Resep Cotto Makasar in Asia. Makasar is one of the biggest city in Indonesia which is famous with its spicy and delicious cuisine and beverage. This food is very delicious, just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, you will success.

Source: Herti Arc

Ingredients :

-1 Kg meat (1 kg daging)
-3 Stalk lemongrass, smash it (3 btg serai, geprek)
-2 Cm galangal, smash it (2 cm lengkuas, geprek)
-2 Ltr of water, for boiling (2 ltr air, untuk merebus)


-1 / 2 tbsp coriander powder (1/2 sdm ketumbar bubuk)
-1 / 2 tsp cumin powder (1/2 sdt jintan bubuk)
-1 / 2 tsp pepper powder (1/2 sdt merica bubuk)
-7 Onion (7 bawang merah)
-4 Garlic (4 bawang putih)
-Salt (garam)
-Sugar, as a flavoring (gula pasir, sebagai penyedap)
-1 -2 Tablespoons Tauco (1-2 sdm tauco)
-3-4 Tablespoons peanuts, roasted, mashed (3-4 sdm kacang tanah, sangrai, haluskan)


-Onion leaves, sliced (Bawang daun, iris)
-Celery, sliced (Seledri, iris)
-Fried Onion (Bawang goreng)
-Orange juice, sliced (Jeruk nipis, iris)
-Sambal chili (Sambal cabe rawit)

How to Cook :

-Boil the meat with 1 teaspoon of salt, until just tender (Rebus daging bersama 1 sdt garam, hingga cukup empuk)
-Lift the meat, cut into cubes, set aside (Angkat daging, potong dadu, sisihkan)
-Fry the ground spices with lemon grass and galangal until fragrant (Tumis bumbu halus bersama serai dan lengkuas hingga harum)
-Stir-Enter the spices to the broth (Masukkan tumisan bumbu ke dalam kaldu)
-Add the chopped meat (Tambahkan potongan daging)
-Add salt and sugar as a flavoring (Beri garam dan gula pasir sebagai penyedap)
Enter the well-Tauco and peanuts (Masukkan pula tauco dan kacang tanah)
-Bring to a boil over low heat until the spices well absorbeb (Didihkan dengan api kecil hingga bumbu benar2 menyerap)
-Serve warm with rice and other complements(Sajikan hangat bersama nasi dan pelengkap lainnya).

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